McDonough Sedation Dentistry

Relax – thanks to advances in sedation, dentistry does not have to be feared. At McDonough Center for Family Dentistry, our goal is for you to be comfortable throughout your entire procedure. To ensure your visit is both painless and stress-free, you and your sedation dentist will decide upon an option that’s right for you, whether it’s oral sedation, nitrous oxide or IV conscious sedation.

Visit a Qualified Sedation Dentist at our McDonough Practice

As a comprehensive dental practice, McDonough Center for Family Dentistry always has an experienced sedation dentist in-house. To schedule a comfortable, anxiety-free dentist appointment, please call us at (678) 432-0209 or contact us online. You can also read more about our sedation dentistry techniques below.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

  • Light Sedation Dentistry
    • One of the mildest forms of sedation your dentist can provide is achieved by administering a small amount of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Throughout your procedure, you will gently breathe in this gas through a nosepiece. Combined with a local anesthetic to eliminate any potential discomfort, this sedation dentistry technique will reduce any anxiety you may feel during your visit. Most patients choose nitrous oxide because they feel relaxed and at ease throughout their treatment. And because it is a gas, the sedation will wear off immediately – you won’t even need anyone to drive you home.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry
    • A more relaxed state can be achieved by utilizing an oral tranquilizer, which your sedation dentist may use in combination with nitrous oxide gas. This level of sedation will provide a very comfortable and painless dentist appointment; however, you will need a friend or loved one to bring you to our office and take you home after.
  • Deep Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry
    • To bring you to an even deeper state of relaxation, your oral sedation dentist can also increase the strength of the drugs and/or the level of nitrous oxide used during your treatment. This next level of conscious oral sedation will be administered in the same manner as above. Again, you will need someone to bring you to our office and take you home after your visit.
  • Conscious IV Sedation Dentistry
    • To achieve the deepest level of comfort and relaxation at the dentist, you can receive intravenous sedation. During your treatment, our experienced anesthesiologist will administer drugs via an IV drip. This sedation dentistry technique is usually reserved for the most fearful patients or for those who require a lot of dental work to be finished in a short period of time.

Sedation Dentistry: Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for sedation dentistry?

You may want to see a sedation dentist if you:

  • Need extensive dental treatment
  • Are fearful or nervous about visiting the dentist
  • Have trouble getting numb
  • Have very sensitive teeth
  • Have an uncontrollable gag reflex
  • Have a fear of needles
  • Would like to have your dental work completed as quickly as possible
Is sedation dentistry safe?

 Yes, it’s very safe when your care is provided by a highly-trained sedation dentist.

Will I feel any pain?

No. That’s what makes sedation dentistry a great option for individuals who are fearful of pain or who need extensive dental work.

Will I ever be left alone?

 No. We will monitor your vital signs during your treatment, and one of our team members will remain with you at all times.

Will I be unconscious during my treatment?

No. Rather, you will be in a drowsy, sleep-like state. You will be able to respond to us if we ask you questions, but you won’t be completely aware of what’s going on and you most likely won’t remember the entirety of your treatment.

We look forward to getting to know you and your family!